Invited talks

Here is a list of talks that I have given in the past:

  • 2023 Jun. INdAM Meeting “Convex Geometry - Analytic Aspects” (Cortona, Italy). The Minkowski problem in Gaussian probability space. (main speaker)
  • 2023 Jun. Summer Meeting of Canadian Mathematical Society. The Minkowski problem in Gaussian probability space.
  • 2023 May. Chinese Academy of Sciences (virtual). The Minkowski problem in Gaussian probability space.
  • 2022 Dec. Shanghai University (virtual). Dual curvature measures for log-concave functions.
  • 2022 Dec. Shanxi Normal University (virtual). Dual curvature measures for log-concave functions.
  • 2022 Nov. Cornell University. Dual curvature measures for log-concave functions.
  • 2022 Sep. ICERM. Dual curvature measures for log-concave functions.
  • 2021 May. Jilin Normal University (virtual). Mass transport problem on the unit sphere via Gauss map.
  • 2021 Mar. Syracuse University (virtual). Recovering the shapes of convex bodies.
  • 2021 Feb. Florida International University (virtual). Recovering the shapes of convex bodies.
  • 2021 Feb. University of Georgia (virtual). Recovering the shapes of convex bodies.
  • 2021 Jan. UC San Diego (virtual). Mass transport problem on the unit sphere via Gauss map.
  • 2021 Jan. UC Santa Cruz (virtual). Recovering the shapes of convex bodies.
  • 2020 Oct. AMS special session (virtual), The Minkowski problem in Gaussian probability space.
  • 2020 Aug. University of Connecticut, Reconstruction of convex bodies via Gauss map.
  • 2019 Jun. International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, 45-min talk, The dual Minkowski problem for $o$-symmetric convex bodies.
  • 2019 Jun. Fudan University, The dual Minkowski problem for o-symmetric convex bodies.
  • 2019 Jun. Tongji University, The dual Minkowski problem for o-symmetric convex bodies.
  • 2019 Jun. Shanghai University, The dual Minkowski problem for o-symmetric convex bodies.
  • 2019 Jun. Hunan University, lecture series: An Introduction to Minkowski-type problems in convex geometry.
  • 2019 May. AIM workshop, The even dual Minkowski problem for integer indices.
  • 2019 Jan. University of Connecticut, PDE and Differential Geometry Seminar: The Gauss image problem.
  • 2018 Mar. AMS special session at Ohio State University, The Aleksandrov problem and its recent development.
  • 2017 Dec. St. John’s University, Minkowski problems and Monge-Ampère type equations.
  • 2017 Sep. CUNY Graduate Center, Geometric Analysis Seminar: Minkowski-type problems in convex geometry.
  • 2017 Feb. Case Western Reserve University, Analysis & Probability Seminar: On the dual Minkowski problem.
  • 2017 Feb. Kent State University, Measure Theory Seminar: The dual Minkowski problem and its solution.
  • 2015 Sep. Oaxaca, Mexico (CMO workshop): On $L_p$-affine surface area and curvature measures. video